聲聲流 |sian sian liû|展場設計、VR 影像

Mobile phones can solve daily chores also become links to certain things.
「聲聲流」前導片  Trailer for"Sian Sian Liu"
「社子島」由基隆河、淡水河沖積而成,因處兩河交接處擁有特殊河口潮間帶生態與自然資源,然而一場颱風開啟長達 40 年的遺忘旅途。聲聲流」是一件以社子島當地做為背景出發,旨在討論現代人遺忘與孤寂的推測作品。
"Shezidao" is formed by the alluvial deposits of the Keelung River and the Tamsui River.Due to its unique estuarine intertidal ecology, Shezidao possesses natural resources at the confluence of these two rivers. However, the tranquility of Shezidao was disrupted by a typhoon, marking the beginning of a 40-year journey of oblivion.
"Sian Sian Liu" is a speculative work inspired by the local backdrop of  Shezidao, with the primary aim of exploring the themes of modern oblivion and loneliness.

Time flies and passes swiftly, as we strive to capture the resonance between the commonpeople of the city and the land, feeling the frequency of shared shapes.Going deeper into the voices of people, things, and the land, we unearth the forgotten terrain within our hearts.
360 度實地拍攝紀錄  360-degree on-site filming documentation
「聲聲流」360 度影像  360-degree footage of"Sian Sian Liu"

As changes have occurred from that time to the present day, every drop of the river carries the land, residents, and the emotions of others towards Shezidao, eventually merging with the vast sea and disappearing in the distance.
Whether it's a small plot of land or a fleeting landscape, they all possess their own charm, leaving a shallow but perceptible imprint in our hearts during those fleeting moments.
At this moment, let us begin to count the sensations we perceive—the flowing sounds of Shezidao. Wishing you a pleasant journey amidst this wave of water.

團隊成員 Team Member      林佳嫺  Lin,  Jia-Xian                張滋裔  Chang, Tzu-Yi               ​​​​​​​李悦恩  Li, Yue-En  
指導教授  Advisor                李佳穎  Li, Elena-Carolina        曾靖越  Tseng, Ching-Yueh             
音樂  Music                           imryllx

聲聲流 |sian sian liû|展場設計、VR 影像

聲聲流 |sian sian liû|展場設計、VR 影像
