Profil von Rocío Elisii

AKKO: Character Design

What on earth is Akko?
 Akko is set in a not-so-distant future where technology allows to fell without touch. Matias or "Mati" is a very socially awkward guy in his 20s who works for an app called LIEBRE. His duties involve preforming all sorts of housekeeping tasks for different costumers. 
Today's costumer however might have something else in mind... 

Juan hired me to make make a teaser for the short. 

Figuring out Mati and the rest
Matias "Mati", he is the MC. He is nervous, socially awkward and works for the app LIEBRE doing various housekeeping duties.  
Mati's Outfits and Tattoo exploration.
The robot-cats, "meow meow" 
Subway / Underground Extras. Just like Mati, they are commuting to their jobs. All work for delivery app but don't get paid enough to wear those stupid uniforms... 
He is also on the subway-underground. he's a creep
Mati's Boyfriend, also an extra.
Main Cast Line-up ( just for the teaser)
Some early designs for Mati. 
"He can't afford those shoes, he doesn't have that kind of money" - Juan roasting Mati 
Hey thanks for getting all the way down here! 
If you want to hire me or reach out just email me at 

Akko's social media 
My social media 
AKKO: Character Design


AKKO: Character Design
