[Esse projeto é um estudo de caso]
[This project is a case study]

MØRGENSTERN  |  Morning Star

– MØRGENSTERN is a candle brand that aims to offer a unique and immersive lighting experience. 

The brand name is derived from German and means "morning star". This choice of name evokes the poetic and mystical image of the sunrise, symbolizing generation, hope and warmth. It conveys a sense of heavenly beauty and tranquility. 
The choice of the morning star as the brand's symbol emphasizes the connection between light and dark, representing the role of candles in creating a warm and serene environment. As well as the use of colors: the counterpoint between light and dark, light and dark.

– Propósito.
A MØRGENSTERN se destaca pela sua busca pela excelência em cada aspecto do processo de fabricação de velas e óleos. Desde a seleção cuidadosa de ingredientes de alta qualidade até a utilização de técnicas artesanais, cada produto é produzido com atenção aos detalhes e amor pelo ofício.
A marca oferece uma ampla variedade de velas e óleos essenciais, desde as clássicas e perfumadas até as decorativas, permitindo que os clientes encontrem a opção perfeita para cada ocasião e estilo de decoração.

– Purpose.
MØRGENSTERN stands out for its pursuit of excellence in every aspect of the candle and oil manufacturing process. From the careful selection of high quality ingredients to the use of artisanal techniques, each product is produced with attention to detail and love for the craft.
The brand offers a wide variety of candles and essential oils, from classic and scented to decorative, allowing customers to find the perfect option for every occasion and decoration style.

– MØRGENSTERN se preocupa com a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade ambiental. As velas são fabricadas utilizando cera natural e pavios sem chumbo, garantindo uma queima limpa e segura.
A caixa que envolve o produto também é feita de materiais recicláveis e biodegradáveis. A marca incentiva seus clientes a reutilizarem as embalagens e oferece dicas criativas para transformá-las em objetos decorativos ou funcionais.

– MØRGENSTERN cares about sustainability and environmental responsibility. The candles are crafted using natural wax and lead-free wicks, ensuring a clean and safe burn.
The box that surrounds the product is also made of recyclable and biodegradable materials. The brand encourages its customers to reuse packaging and offers creative tips for transform them into decorative or functional objects.

Tamara Kern  |  MØRGENSTERN


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