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Project Nascere by Imagine Onlus

Project Nascere by Imagine Onlus: Access to Health for Women and Children is a Universal Right

Introduction: In the month of June, Aragorn Communications embarked on a collaborative effort with Imagine Onlus – Improving Medicine And Growing International Network of Equality, an organization founded in 2005 by Ignazio Marino and other doctors. The aim of this partnership is to address the healthcare challenges faced by women and children living in marginalized conditions, particularly in countries with low Human Development Index. Together, they strive to improve the healthcare situation for these vulnerable populations, with a specific focus on pregnant women and newborns.

Campaign to Enhance Child Health in Congo: As part of their ongoing collaboration, Aragorn is currently engaged in spreading awareness through national press and online platforms about the "Project Nascere" campaign. This initiative, devised pro bono by the agency Publicis, aims to raise funds and shed light on the Right to Health in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Shockingly, one out of every two children in Congo succumbs to easily preventable and treatable diseases such as dysentery and measles.

Imagine Onlus and the Fight for Universal Healthcare: Imagine Onlus, under the leadership of Ignazio Marino, has been at the forefront of efforts to tackle healthcare disparities globally. By focusing on countries with limited resources and high maternal and infant mortality rates, the organization strives to provide essential medical support to those in need. Through their partnerships and projects, they work towards ensuring that access to healthcare becomes a universal right for women and children around the world.

The Role of Aragorn Communications: Aragorn Communications plays a vital role in amplifying the message of Imagine Onlus and their "Project Nascere" campaign. They are actively involved in securing free advertising space in national media outlets and online platforms. By utilizing their expertise in media research and strategic placement, Aragorn aims to raise awareness and garner support for this important cause. Their dedication to pro bono work highlights their commitment to making a positive impact on society.

Conclusion: The collaboration between Aragorn and Imagine Onlus marks a significant step towards improving healthcare for marginalized women and children in low Human Development Index countries. The "Project Nascere" campaign, designed to raise awareness about the Right to Health in the Democratic Republic of Congo, aims to tackle preventable diseases and reduce child mortality rates. Through their collective efforts, Imagine Onlus and Aragorn Communications are working towards a future where access to healthcare is a fundamental right for all, regardless of their circumstances. Together, they are making strides in creating a healthier and more equitable world.
Project Nascere by Imagine Onlus


Project Nascere by Imagine Onlus


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