Chiosco Giammona
Street stall corporate identity, 1998-2000
A kiosk or “chiosco” is a street open-air bar, which can be found at every street corner in Catania. They serve coffee, one of the hundreds of flavoured syrup drinks or a beer. Everything is really cheap at the chiosco. At night people gather around these places to drink and socialise in the open air. Giammona is one of the oldest kiosks in Catania. Etcetera designed the logo and the syrup labels, as well as the fruit jams packaging.
The logo
Green mandarin syrup label
Syrup labels
Jam labels
Liquor labels
Logo detail
Chiosco Giammona

Chiosco Giammona

A kiosk or “chiosco” is a street open-air bar, which can be found at every street corner in Catania. They serve coffee, one of the hundreds of fl Rozwiń
