
The desired outcome is a coherent, newly studied form that incorporates two beams in a visually appealing manner while maintaining their separate identities. The final design should showcase appropriate shape transitions that connect the two volumes and demonstrate a solid, firm connection between the forms.

The compositions can be split into three types: parallel, perpendicular and at an angle. Each composition also has 5 or 6 variations. These differ slightly in terms of positioning and rounding the edges as well as subtracting or adding a few sections and features.
Concept selection

To visualise the concepts I made prototypes of the three ideas that I believed were most intriguing. This gave me a better understanding about how these forms would look in 3 dimensions, allowed me to further improve them, add more details and decide which to choose for my final version.
Final result

The final piece is static. The two beams were connected using soft edges. I wanted to contrast the hard edges of each beam with the soft transition between them. I also added soft roundings on the ends of the beams to make the composition more coherent.
Form integration

Form integration
