Virtual GROHE Water Experience Center
A virtual brand experience​​​​​​​
Brands are conquering the virtual space. We have made the GROHE Water Experience Center virtually accessible in photorealistic quality. The spatial dimension, diversity of details, and compatibility across various devices make the real-time application an immersive brand experience on the web.
The concept of the GROHE Water Experience Center was developed in collaboration with the company's own LIXIL Global Design and Brand Identity Team. Visitors experience the premium sub-brand GROHE SPA with various product lines in a virtual architectural context that reflects the high quality of the products. The combination of warm wood paneling, elegant concrete tiles, floor-to-ceiling windows, plants, and decoration, along with atmospheric lighting and music, creates a lounge-like wellness atmosphere.
The virtual space serves as an interactive opportunity at GROHE X, the digital content hub of GROHE. This allows the community to visit the space anytime and from anywhere.

The GROHE Water Experience Center not only exists as a virtual space but also as a physically built experiential space at the brand's headquarters in Düsseldorf.
GROHE Water Experience Center | VIRTUAL

GROHE Water Experience Center | VIRTUAL
