Profil Anjan Ghosh

This is my Participation Certificate

This is my Participation Certificate from one of the best internationals curator in Europe Seona Sommer.sommer

The Indien-Tansania-Deutschland exhibition ended with happy to me and all who participated I guess. @annahnkyalu @anjan.ghosh @ck.visuals1 @seona.sommer and @ochu_brand

The Indien-Tansania-Deutschland exhibition concluded with a sense of joy and fulfillment, not only for myself but also for all the participants involved. It was a collective effort that brought together a talented group of individuals, including @annahnkyalu, @anjan.ghosh, @ck.visuals1, @seona.sommer, and @ochu_brand.
Throughout the exhibition, there was an undeniable atmosphere of creative energy and camaraderie. We shared our artistic visions, learned from one another, and celebrated the diverse cultures and perspectives represented in our works.
I believe that the success of the exhibition stemmed from the collective dedication and passion that each participant brought to the table. The support and encouragement from fellow artists and the audience alike created an environment that nurtured creativity and fostered growth.
I feel immensely grateful to have been a part of this exhibition, surrounded by such talented individuals. It was a truly transformative experience that allowed us to showcase our art to a wider audience and make meaningful connections with fellow artists and art enthusiasts.
As we reflect on the exhibition's conclusion, I am confident that the impact of this collective effort will continue to resonate with both the artists and the viewers. The memories and lessons learned during this journey will forever hold a special place in our hearts.
I would like to express my deepest appreciation to everyone involved, from the organizers to my fellow artists, for their dedication, support, and the opportunity to be part of such a remarkable exhibition. Together, we have created something truly memorable and inspiring.
Thank you @seona.sommer for Supporting me in my art career
#germany #India #tansania #africa #artist #africanart #sanaa #exhibition #certificate
With gratitude and fond memories,
Anjan Ghosh
This is my Participation Certificate


This is my Participation Certificate


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