Personal work and odd jobs from here and there...
random group show pieces, doodles from home, contest entries.
'Let the sun shine in', 297 x 420mm, 2014. Ink, watercolour and coloured pencil on paper.
"Who's laughing now?" 297 x 420mm, 2014.
'The Dreamers' 420 x 297mm, 2014. This ended up becoming one of my regular commercial prints,
it was originally done for the Yen Young Art Award.
'Tall Poppy' 297 x 420mm, 2014. In constant battle with how much I like outlines, this one was a 'I hate outlines day'.
'Come out come out wherever you are' 2013. This piece was done for an artshow put together by The Wilderness Society. the show was called 'Love Forests' and the profits went to conserving Victorian forests.
'Only one more sleep' 2013. A piece for the Just Another Project Space's first birthday show.
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Personal Work
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Personal Work

Odd jobs from here and there... random group show pieces, doodles from home, contest entries.

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