Profilo di Archie Nicholls

Humorous exaggerated characters

Here is my project humorous exaggerated character
I then done some idea generation for the project. I wrote down as many ideas I can on post-it notes in a certain amount of time. I then wrote eight ideas in eight minutes. 
I then created a plan for my research. For the plan I wrote down what research methods I will be doing. I then wrote down the key media products I will be looking at. I also wrote down the practical research I was going to do.
For my research I first gathered information from websites and books. I then deconstructed two characters from two images. I done some research from clips on youtube. I also experimented with facial expressions and a randomizer.
For my planning of the project I made multiple character designs and a character sheet for my character. I made a storyboard to plan my animation.
For my production I made a keyframe to help me get the detail, shape and colour of my character. I then made a turnaround for my character. Here is my characters turnaround below.
I then made a funny animation with the character in it. Here is the animation below.
Humorous exaggerated characters

Humorous exaggerated characters


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