Spark is a brand I created from the response to a number of BBC reports over the past year, discussing the decrease in time spent by parents reading to their children at bedtime, due to the rise in parents having to go back to work to pay for rising childcare costs & so on.
My solution was to design a kid's lifestyle brand that created a platform for parent & child to interact, learn & have fun, developing products that 'Sparked' ideas for activities & games.
When developing the designs for the bedding, I wanted to create a range of gender neutral themed products that encouraged natural curiousity, learning & play, having a unique, hand drawn style, that would be enjoyed by both parent &
Additional Products
Along with each bedding set, you would receive an additional product that would 'Spark' interests & ideas for activities.
These include posters, fruit seeds & a hanging mobile.
The lifestyle shots were a collaboration between myself & lifestyle photographer Kasia Fiszer.
Identity & Packaging
Scrolling Website Concept


A kid's lifestyle brand that creates a platform for parent & child to interact, learn & have fun through educational bedding.
