A study done by Ohio State University’s Educational Studies Department found that 1/4 of children in a national sample were seldom or never read to at home. Based on my research and observations, children under the age of 5 that are not read to at least once a day, are negatively affected later on in life, struggling to learn how to read in primary school. This is shown in students’ test scores, where last year, the National Assessment of Education Progress found that 67% of all fourth graders are reading below grade level.

Objective: The objective of my capstone project is to design a reading campaign marketed to parents, community members, and guardians, to encourage them to read to their children everyday. Another study done by Ohio State University found that reading to a child on a daily basis will enable them to learn over 290,000 words by the age of five, developing their language skills and word decoding abilities. This is important to ensure future success in learning to read in primary school.
Reading Campaign

Reading Campaign
