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ARC Church Offers Insight into Deconstructing Jesus

ARC Church Planter Aaron Stern Offers Insight into Deconstructing Jesus
Originally published on MeticPress

The topic of deconstruction is a popular one today. ARC church planter Aaron Stern says that in ministry, it often takes on a negative connotation.

Deconstruction can be destructive, which eventually can lead to deconversion. Some pastors, in a way, contribute to that, as they brush deconstruction aside as trivial doubts, telling people to trust in God and avoiding the topic instead of taking it head-on.

Yet, the big problem with approaching the topic in that way is that it’s against what Jesus taught. In fact, he encourages deconstruction.

The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus gives six vignettes in the Sermon on the Mount (in Matthew 5:21-48), speaking about topics such as enemy love, nonviolence, adultery and anger. Each of the vignettes begins with “You have heard that it was said,” which then follows with “but I tell you…” 

In this way, Jesus is highlighting how other religious leaders have taught His followers to this point. At the same time, Jesus is telling His followers that there’s a new way they should embrace, a way that allows them to let go of any unscriptural and unhealthy ways of living out their faith, according to Aaron Stern, one of the church planters for ARC (Association of Related Churches).

How This Message Reverberates Today

This vignette style can be applied to modern life as well. The “you have heard” part can be followed by “your youth pastor” or “your parents.” Following that, the lesson can be presented which offers various perspectives grounded in the teachings of Jesus.

Deconstruction can be healthy if approached in this way. While it may be uncomfortable to some — since it could be the first time they’re challenging certain areas of their faith — it helps them stay true to Jesus.

Deconstruction is Just the First Step

ARC church planter Aaron Stern says the true lesson, though, is that deconstruction is just the first step. It’s not the be-all, end-all of rebuilding a relationship with Jesus or with strengthening our faith in a healthy way.

Yes, Jesus does encourage deconstruction, but what He’s really advocating is for reconstruction to follow so that your faith can become stronger and more authentic. In other words, deconstruction without reconstruction is incomplete.

All on its own, deconstruction can indeed become destructive, Aaron Stern, who planted his church with the support of ARC Churches. It can lead people to be cynical and distrust others. It doesn’t require any creativity at all and can ultimately lead people to destroy something that could have been beautiful.

Jesus teaches that the goal is healthy deconstruction, which involves uprooting from the current situation and then re-planting in a better location. It’s not just setting fire to the fields; it’s extracting weeds that are choking down one’s faith, so they can eventually produce a harvest that’s richer.

In a way, that’s why ARC church planter Aaron Stern suggests that a better word to use to describe the situation might be “disentangling” rather than deconstruction — as the process involves embracing a faith that’s purer, more grounded, and reflects the way of Jesus better.

About ARC (Association of Related Churches)

ARC (Association of Related Churches) is a cooperative of independent churches from different denominations, networks, and backgrounds who strategically resource church planters and pastors to help them reach people with the message of Jesus. ARC exists to see a thriving church in every community, reaching people with the message of Jesus. Since its beginning in 2001, ARC has grown into a global organization and has helped plant more than 1,000 churches.
ARC Church Offers Insight into Deconstructing Jesus

ARC Church Offers Insight into Deconstructing Jesus


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