Roam Local

Branding project for The Brief Club; a holiday tour guide company that required a logo and advertisement designs as part of a larger brand identity.
My brand developed the brand into a local walking tour company - targeting a niche audience with the key objective of helping people discover their local areas from their doorstep and feel part of their community.
The idea of a local walking tour appealed to me for how accessible it made exploration. To feel aligned to this brand and be part of something you didn't have to go far or have lots of money to spare. Adventures were possible from your front door.
I chose bright, saturated colours to make the sense of local discovery feel new, fresh and bold, a million miles away from well-trodden and overlooked. The front door as a starting point for adventure became a strong motif for the brand identity and a natural place for lots of bright variation in colour to sit together in a harmonious way. High contrast design added to the sense of inclusivity.
Illustrations were the final touch for bringing this brand identity to life. Minimalist, cartoon-panel influenced designs brought a web navigation some distinct visual differentiation and added to the sense of 'moving through' the local area, finding things along the way. The inclusion of a ghost walk made sure the brand identity came across as fun, exciting and unexpected. It was important to me to ensure that at every touch point there was a reason for the local area not to feel 'already done'.
Design by Emma B.
Instagram: @ebeecreates
Roam Local


Roam Local

Brand identity and advertising for a tour guide travel brand, focusing on inclusivity and discovery in the local community.


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