Student? — Magasin design
(Student? — Magazine design)
Fiktivt magasin for studenter, som handler om alt man trenger å vite om
student livet!
(Fictional magazine for students, which talks about everything you need to know about student life!)
Magasinet inneholder massevis av artikler. Mat tips, intervjuer, informasjon og mer studenter kan ha bruk for!
(The magazine contains lots of articles. Food tips, interviews, information and more students might need!)
Designet er asymmetrisk, for å skille seg fra annet studie materiell studenten er borti. Samt inneholder designet referanser til studenttilværelsen, som Post-it lapper og highlightet tekst, for å tydeliggjøre at det er for studenter!
(The design is asymmetrical, to distinguish it from other study material the student comes across. The design also contains references to student life, such as Post-it notes and highlighted textto show that it is for students!)
(Mockups from Freepik — Pictures from Unsplash)
Student? — Magasin desing

Student? — Magasin desing
