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“設計壞朋友 Design BAD Friend” Zine

「設計好朋友 Design BFF」是一個以正向、友好的態度,致力推廣設計相關活動的網路社團,每年都會舉行線下交流的活動。為了推廣社團,我們以搞笑的方式設計了一本名叫「設計壞朋友」的Zine,利用錄音帶外殼作為主要結構,分別以漫畫與短文的方式呈現社團曾經舉辦過的活動,除了讓讀者更加認識社團,也增添了閱讀的趣味性。

"Design BFF" is an online community dedicated to promoting design events with a positive and friendly attitude. Every year, the community organizes offline events. In order to promote the community, we designed a humorous Zine called "Design BAD Friend." Using cassette tape cases as the main structure, we creatively presented past events organized by the community through comics and short articles. This not only helps readers get to know us better but also make a funny reading experience.
Year: 2022
Client: Design BFF
Design: Ming-Yu Hsieh
“設計壞朋友 Design BAD Friend” Zine


“設計壞朋友 Design BAD Friend” Zine
