Maggie McKinneys profil

Good Magazine Infographic Spreads

Front Cover: "Growing" was hand-drawn then scanned into illustrator to add color. 
First spread (infographic dominant): This spread features the infographic which was created in illustrator, however, the individual fish outlines were found in a book on fish species at the university library. I scanned the illustrations in then used the watercolor brush on illustrator to add the color. 
second spread (narrative): The purpose of this spread was to include most of the text for the article and tell the story. 
Back Cover: The purpose of this illustration is to further emphasize  the "growing danger" of fish farming. I came up with this idea of having fish growing out of a corn stalk. This also shows that fish farming is not real farming, it is fake and abnormal. 
Good Magazine Infographic Spreads

Good Magazine Infographic Spreads

The purpose of this project was to create an infographic, cover, and narrative spread for a conservation article from Good Magazine. I chose "Fis Læs mere

