For the past two years, UW-Stout has held a contest letting students create mural designs to be painted outside of the Art & Design building. I was able to participate in this year's contest by taking the digital illustration course at Stout. Our class was broken up into teams and my teammates were Bear McQuitty, Joe Mischke, Zoe Slewitzke and myself.
We worked together to create a design that encompassed what the School of Art and Design is like at Stout. We also strove to create something that was fun and used isometric design elements. We all worked on the ideation together and then split up the work by each creating elements for the design. I created the characters, the bike, and the base letters. 
We were happy to find out that our design was chosen! It will be painted on the Applied Arts building this summer by the Graffiti and Street Art class. I was asked to create posters to promote the class which are featured here. 
Mural Design for UW-Stout Art & Design
Digital Illustration 
UW-Stout Mural
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UW-Stout Mural

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