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Georgia + საქართველო

The flag of Georgia is a powerful emblem that embodies the rich history and deep spirituality of this ancient nation. Its design features a strong Christian symbol - a rectangular cross on a shimmering silver (white) background, with four smaller crosses adorning the corners. This sacred icon represents the Savior and the four Evangelists, evoking a sense of divine protection and guidance.
With a history dating back to the First Crusade in 1099, this symbol not only represents the tomb of the Savior but also the spiritual center of Christianity, Jerusalem. The colors of the flag are equally symbolic, with silver (white) representing purity, innocence, and wisdom, while red represents courage, bravery, justice, and love. Together, they create a stunning visual representation of Georgia's deep religious and cultural roots.
This powerful flag has been in use for centuries, a testament to the lasting legacy of Georgia's Christian heritage and a source of pride for its people. Its symbolism is a reminder of the country's spiritual strength and unwavering faith.

I designed a logo inspired by Georgian culture and heritage. It can be prominently displayed on packaging, indicating that the product was made in Georgia. Additionally, brands have the opportunity to customize their own brand books or incorporate the logo into their printed materials.
While the logo is not available for commercial use, please reach out to the author for any inquiries. However, it can be used for non-commercial purposes as long as proper credit is given to the logo's author.
Georgia + საქართველო


Georgia + საქართველო
