RE-iN is a process-oriented brand with materials. By experimenting and testing with recycled plastic to give waste another form of rebirth. In the process, we explore the characteristics of different plastics and endow the lighting products with random, organic, flowing, and ever-changing styles. These elements will be extended to become the features and tone of the brand.
We carried out a 100-day daily plastic collection project, divided into an environmentally conscious group and a general use group, recording the plastic products we created, consumed, and were gifted by others in our daily lives and comparing their differences. We discovered that plastic, whether in the form of soft plastic bags or hard plastic bottles and containers, is ubiquitous in our lives in this day.
From plastic granules to plastic sheets, and the subsequent reprocessing. We viewed recycled plastic as a medium and tried various shaping methods to deconstruct, reorganize, and stretch materials into new forms.
By using weaving techniques to process plastic sheets, we combined them to create lighting fixtures with various shapes and colors. We cut the sheets into strips and experiment with different weaving techniques, resulting in different appearances based on the direction of the weaving and the joining methods used. While shaping the plastic, we also test different methods of material extension by joining and expanding the production range.
To eliminate glue-like adhesives, we use the weaving technique as the joints between the plastic sheets to expand the scale of ​​the material. Therefore,  the material could be pure enough to be recycled and remanufactured. We have developed two different splicing methods: vertical and horizontal interweaving, which are presented with smaller table lamps and larger pendant lamps.
2023.04.18 - 04.21 @郭木生文教基金會/畢業預展
2023.06.02 - 06.05 @松菸北向製菸工廠/畢業展