This was a class project designed for the students to understand Design Thinking. They were given a problem and were asked to come up with a solution by applying the steps of Design Thinking. 

Problem: Travelling artists needs a quick and handy solution to choose and use colors on the go.
Design Thinking:

1. Empathise: Here the Tomorrow's Group will have to relate to the user and understand the problem.

2. Define: The Tomorrow's Group had to make a problem statement and their objective clear with this step. 

3. Ideate: Where the actual  work happens. Tomorrow's Group will have to employ a couple of techniques to get the idea flowing - Like mind-mapping  and brainstorming
4.Prototyping: Tomorrow's Group then worked on rough sketches of their product idea. 
Then we have designed a model of low-fidelity 3D Prototype of the product.
It is a device which scans the color code from image or a where ever the user want to scan it. Most of the User want the color code for the design so it will be easier to do it, so they use the hoop device to scan the color code wherever they want to get the color code. So it’s designed to scan the appropriate color code from the image the user’s want.
How It's works & How it's charges -

Provide an overview of how the device works, including how the scanner measures the color code of the image and how the digital readout is generated. First the hoop device is wear on finger and place the hoop device to scan the colour code from the image and it send the color code to the phone or desktop from application and we can download the color code as the file we want.

It's a wireless charging device and it charges within 20 min of charging and it scan around 150 - 180 scanning, So the user can use it as much he want to use.

5.Test: The solution was then tested with reviews and feedbacks and many were asked to cycle on this iterative process until they found a satisfactory solution. 

Aaron Z Philip
Adithya B
Product Design - Hoop Device
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