Love & Need
"You and I are only one cloud away, but we still can't hug each other. "
There’s not a single day we don’t look at clocks, watches or other time-dictating devices to track our daily activities. The peculiar clock on this series poster represents long-distance love. When I miss you, the inability to hug you seems like the clock’s hands are twisting each other. I’ll use my heart to love you and my mind to miss you—true that’s love. Thus, distance does not frighten us because we were together even while we were apart.

To convey the emotional resonance of the message, the series of posters were produced using the traditional printing technique known as Risograph printing. The intentional overlapping of hues signifies the complexities of a long-distance relationship, while  texture evokes the sense of the passage of time.
Korean Exhibition
2022 4th Ulasan Asian Prints Exhibition (Korean)
Poster Size: 297 x 420mm
Peru Exhibition
2022 Peru Design Biennial
Love & Need


Love & Need
