Big-bag is a modular bag which contains in itself the idea of dynamism that allows for a continuous transformation of it. Starting from an elementary form, the variety and combination of colours and materials proposed, the ease of modules assembly and the freedom of reinterpretation of the final object, make it a handy accessory, however non-trivial, challenging and engaging.
I focused on a form that could be connected with an hypothetically countless number of other modules identical in size and shape, but that could create an unpredictable movement if seen as deriving from a series of identical modules. Using zips of the same kind and size in all modules allows you to have always a bag of the right dimension you need. Furthermore, the single module has a fundamental importance in the bag: it is thought to contain only one object, which can be therefore easily found whenever  it is needed.
This is my Bachelor graduation project!


Modular bag - Bachelor graduation project
