LivePerson is the specialist for AI-supported conversational commerce. The team of LivePerson contacted think moto to refresh‭ ‬their‭ ‬identity and capture the human modern feel of conversational design‭.

It was important to the client to reflect the new developments of the sub-brands and to merge the cosmos of LivePerson into a consistent overall image. For the new branding, a new independent graphic visual language needed to be developed.

The think moto team collaborated with LivePerson to create‭ ‬a representative visual identity‭, ‬collateral and client microsites‭.‬

Based‭ ‬on our learnings at the discovery workshop‭, ‬I presented‭ ‬wireframes and responsive designs for the past and upcoming events pages for their clients‭.

The site’s architecture leverages a few events microsites and headless approach to deliver a fluid, customer-centric experience.

Among the updates we led is a new design-forward customer journey—bringing inspiration from out-of-category experiences users are already familiar with—optimized to be mobile-first. The result is a cohesive flow for business owners which have come to expect a delightful, user-centric experience.

We extended the new look and feel created by think moto into a full microsite design that shares the events’‭ ‬speakers‭, ‬locations‭, ‬benefits‭, ‬program and contact‭. ‬

Together with the microsite design‭, ‬we handed the developer team a package‭ ‬with documentation and design guidelines‭.‬


Creative Direction → Markus Kleine-Vehn
Head of UX/UI Design → Naiara Odriozola
Responsive Design → Naiara Odriozola

Agency → think moto​​​​​​​

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