In this personal brief, I have branded and designed the packaging for a Chinese produce company, which would be stocked in Asian supermarkets. This project was inspired by my mum and grandma (the namesakes of the brand), and my love for Chinese cooking and the variety of packaging design found in Asian supermarkets.
Lai & Leung is aimed at people who are new to Asian cooking and/or shopping at Asian supermarkets. Typically, knowing which products are good rely on brand loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations and are less based on design. Lai & Leung's design would entice newer customers to choose their products, or to those who are wanting to try something new or replace their usual brand.
There is also a focus on sustainability, with the packaging using recycled and recyclable cardboard and labels being riso printed, which is low-energy and low-impact on the environment. For bigger bags of staples such as rice, the customer would have the opportunity to return the product packaging to the store to be reused, and in return would receive a discount off of their next purchase. This reuse and recycle initiative is in response to the hoards of plastic packaging most often used in these products.
Lai & Leung


Lai & Leung
