E-Learning Quran is a comprehensive and precise gateway to learn Quran with proper Tajweed, Whole Islamic literature and a lot more, live with our qualified tutors. It is a unique online resource that brings quality education at your doorstep. Our competent service meets your needs and requirement as we focus on making your dedicated time beneficial, useful and effective by using our E-Learning systematic methods.
Project is online at www.e-learningquran.com
Key Features
 - Responsive Design supporting Phone, Tablets and Desktops
 - LESS CSS auto-compilation
 - Flexible widgets for template customization
 - Full extensible framework architecture
S3 Features
 - 6 Columns Grid System
 - 150+ Module Positions
 - Suitable with any design
 - IE7 and IE8 Supported
 - Template Manager
 - Custom Sitename
 - Custom Logo
 - Less compiler as lessphp
 - Responsive Video with FitVids.js
 - Font Icons Font Awesome
 - Check complete feature list at www.shaz3e.com
E Learning Quran

E Learning Quran

E-Learning Quran is a comprehensive and precise gateway to learn Quran with proper Tajweed, Whole Islamic literature and a lot more, live with ou Leer más
