During AI exploration, inspired by painting style of colombian painter Fernando Botero. I generated through midjourney: a serie of retro images I wanted to create real-life "Botero looking" models. I used some basic prompt only directing algorythm with name of the painter. I generated some well known sceneries for the painter style but also some abstract one. Due to the respect for the artist this series is not and neither will be for sale, also not one of orginal pictures were used to generate the images.
I created the serie of AI generated photos based on one of Colombian painter Fernando Botero style. I was so curious how algorithm will deal with creating similar body features and shapes.
It wasn’t as creative as I hoped for, it gave only the small vibe from the paintings style or just created very "painting like faces" "very close" to Botero orginal painting pieces. Maybe one or two of the faces were like reali life creative exploration of Botero style. But algorythm didn't catch it to make with it through. Same in the horses example they are rather "big" ones than "Botero" ones
Fernando Botero generated


Fernando Botero generated

During AI exploration, inspired by painting style of colombian painter Fernando Botero. I generated through midjourney: a serie of retro images I 閱讀更多
