AWJ - Brand Identity

"We believe at AWJ that sustainable and serious content is built on two main pillars intellectual and literary depth, as well as technical production quality.
Therefore, we have made sure to be selective in choosing our team of creative and experienced individuals who share the same goal. We have also focused our business activities on productive paths that reflect our mission, which we strive to spread."

نؤمن في أوج بأن المحتوى المستدام والجاد ينبني على أساسين رئيسيين وهو العمق المعرفي والكتابي وكذلك على الجودة الإنتاجية الفنية لذا حرصنا في أوج على أن نكون نوعيين في اختيار فريقنا من المبدعين وذوي الخبرة الذين يتشاركون ذات الهدف وحصرنا دائرة أعمالنا في مسارات
.إنتاجية تعكس رسالتنا التي نسعى لنشرها


Creative Director : Ahmed Mohsen Mansour
Art Director : Moaaz Galal
Senior Graphic Designer : Heba Naiem 
Graphic Designer : Yasmina Awad
AWJ - Brand Identity

AWJ - Brand Identity

"We believe at Ouj that sustainable and serious content is built on two main pillars: intellectual and literary depth, as well as technical produ Read More


Creative Fields