Dressroom Models - Senior Lions BRONZE

Las nuevas generaciones ya no se sienten representadas por las influencers que normalmente usan las marcas, mujeres delgadas, altas y fitness, que poco se acercan a la realidad de millones de niñas y que por el contrario refuerzan estereotipos que no las representan. ¿Cómo encontrar el nuevo rostro de Falabella, la marca que durante años ha representado a la mujer latina? Descubrimos que muchas mujeres aman probar nuevos outfits en el probador de ropa para mostrarlo en sus redes sociales. Así, convertimos los de la marca en espacios instagrameables, creando el primer casting digital de una marca hecho desde un probador.

The new generations no longer feel represented by the faces that brands typically use, thin, tall, and fitness-oriented women who bear little resemblance to the reality of millions of girls, and instead reinforce stereotypes that don't represent them. How can we find the new face of Falabella, the brand that has represented the Latina woman for years? We discovered that many women love trying on new outfits in fitting rooms to showcase them on their social media. Therefore, we transformed the brand's fitting rooms into Instagrammable spaces, creating the first digital casting for a brand conducted from a fitting room.
Copywriter: Camilo Bansky
Art Director: Rony Saavedra
Editor: Cristian Sánchez
Dressroom Models - Senior Lions BRONZE

Dressroom Models - Senior Lions BRONZE
