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User Journey Map- Swiggy Delivery Partners

In today's era, nobody wants to wait to get their requirement to fulfill & that is why Swiggy has come up with "Swiggy Insta-mart."

But have you ever thought about the other side of the story, about the delivery partners?
They have to complete their order in 10 minutes. They have to compromise their safety sometimes to do the fast delivery because of Heavy traffic, peak hours & other reason.

Let's see their User Journey Map to understand them better-
(I have prepared their customer journey with the help of some primary data collected from the play store reviews.)

Before that, We should know What User Journey Map is 
A User Journey Map depicts a visual presentation of their journey & experience while achieving the core value. It tells how your user is feeling in each phase of their journey. User journey is significant to understand your customer's touchpoints & what can be improved & enhanced to make it better.

💁‍♀️Here are some essential points that will help you while creating a map
✅ Identify the primary User persona – Choose your target audience to define the problem.
✅ Work on the research part – Do a lot of research, connect with them, and understand their daily lives and behavior. Take user interviews and ask them how your day was and what problems you faced. 
✅ Empathize with them – To understand someone's journey, one should have empathized with them, motivated them & their touchpoints.
✅ Map out the journey- Now, create their journey to dig deeper into their life & understand their emotions.
✅ Take actions- Based on their journey map, analyze the problem statement, take the necessary actions by keeping in mind your organization's business requirements.

P.S- Next time whenever you order something, don't forget to give them a tip 😊

User Journey Map- Swiggy Delivery Partners


User Journey Map- Swiggy Delivery Partners
