Megi Çelmeta 님의 프로필

Tiny Minimalist Apartment

Design:  @megi.celmeta  
Location: Tirane, Albania
Total area: 67.2 m²
Year: 2023
Visualization:  @megi.celmeta   |   Software: 3dsMax, Corona Render
The modern minimalist interior design is a perfect example of how simplicity can create a space that is both elegant and functional. The style of this apartment is characterized by its clean lines, lack of clutter, and use of neutral colors.

One of the key principles of minimalist interior design is the use of negative space. This means that furniture and decor are carefully curated and arranged in a way that maximizes open areas and creates a sense of calm and serenity, this is achieved through carefully selected pieces that serve a purpose, without overwhelming the space.

Neutral tones such as white, beige, and gray are often used in this apartment to create a sense of simplicity and timelessness. These colors also allow for more flexibility in accessorizing and can be easily paired with pops of color or texture for added interest.

In terms of materials, minimalist design favors natural and durable materials such as wood, stone, and metal. These materials not only create a timeless aesthetic, but they also have a low environmental impact and are built to last.
Decorative art is a crucial element in interior design that enhances a space's attractiveness, individuality, and worth. When thoughtfully selected and placed, art decoratif can transform a room into a work of art.  In this apartment, the decorative art employs high-gloss silver and pink hues.
Scale and Proportion
The layout of this apartment places a strong emphasis on the value of dimension and proportion in achieving harmony and balance in the placement of furnishings and items. This increases the space's functionality by ensuring that the size of the objects is appropriate for their intended use. Additionally, the design emphasizes the connections between the many parts in the area while also giving the impression of space, depth, and depth.
Tiny Minimalist Apartment


Tiny Minimalist Apartment
