Jayashree Patil 님의 프로필

Google Adroll Creative Designs

Google Adroll Creatives in all sizes:
Software : Adobe Photoshop
As a graphic designer, I was responsible for creating Google AdRoll creatives in all 11 different sizes for a tech company's product offer. The goal of this project is to create visually compelling ads that will grab the attention of potential customers and entice them to click through to the company's website to learn more about the product.

Design Goals:
- The creative should be designed to capture the viewer's attention and convey the product in a       clear and concise manner. The messaging should be compelling and make it clear what the     product is, what the offer is, and how to take advantage of it.
- The design of the AdRoll creative should be consistent across all 11 sizes to ensure a cohesive   brand experience.
- The creative should be visually engaging and include a strong call-to-action to   encourage v   viewers to click through to the company's website.
- Sizes are: 160x600, 300x250, 300x600, 336x280, 600x315, 600x500, 600x600, 728x90, 970x250,
                   1080x1080, 1200x628

Overall, the goal of this project is to create high-quality, visually compelling AdRoll creative that will generate interest in the tech company's product and drive traffic to their website.
Google Adroll Creative Designs


Google Adroll Creative Designs


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