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Cathay Pacific cancellation policy

How to cancel and refund at Cathay Pacific Airways Flight?

Sometimes unforeseen circumstances can arise. And your travel plans need to be cancelled or altered. In these instances, it's important to understand Cathay Pacific cancellation and refund policies to avoid unnecessary fees and charges. In this blog, we'll provide a comprehensive guide on How to cancel and refund at Cathay Pacific Airways Flight? Call the customer service assistant at US Number: OTA: +1-800-971-7347 or 1-833-933-2244.

What is Cathay Pacific cancellation policy?

If you’ve booked a flight with Cathay Pacific. You may be wondering what their cancellation policy is. The Cathay Pacific cancellation policy is designed to give travellers the flexibility they need when booking flights.
● First, you should know that there are two types of cancellations. You can make it with Cathay Pacific: refundable and non-refundable.
● Refundable tickets are those that can be cancelled and refunded,
● While non-refundable tickets are those that cannot be refunded but may be changed.
● If you are cancelling a refundable ticket. You may be eligible for a full or partial refund depending on when you cancel.
● The earlier you cancel, the more likely you are to receive a full refund.
● If you cancel after the “ticketing time limit”, you may be eligible for a partial refund.
● If you are cancelling a non-refundable ticket, you may be able to make changes to the ticket, such as date or time, for a fee.
● If you have any issues or concerns. Feel free to contact the customer service agent at US Number: OTA: +1-800-971-7347 or 1-833-933-2244
How much is Cathay Pacific flight cancellation fee?
If you’re planning to fly with Cathay Pacific. It’s important to know How much the Cathay Pacific flight cancellation fee is. So you can make sure you’re covered in case you need to cancel or change your plans.
● If you cancel your flight more than 24 hours before departure, you’ll receive a full refund.
● If you cancel within 24 hours of departure, you’ll be charged a cancellation fee of $50 USD.
● If you cancel within 2 hours of departure, you’ll be charged a cancellation fee of $100 USD.

How long does Cathay Pacific refund take?

If you’ve recently purchased a ticket with Cathay Pacific and are now looking to get a refund. You may be wondering how long the refund process will take. The answer to this question depends on a few factors. It includes the type of ticket you purchased and the method of refund you’ve chosen.
● For tickets purchased directly from Cathay Pacific. The refund process typically takes between 7-14 days.
● If you purchased your ticket through a third-party vendor. The refund process may take longer.
● If you’ve chosen to receive your refund via bank transfer, the process may take up to 21 days.
● If you’ve chosen to receive your refund via credit card, the process may take up to 30 days.
● Finally, if you’ve chosen to receive your refund via a travel voucher, the process may take up to 14 days.
● If you have any questions, dial the customer service number US Number: OTA: +1-800-971-7347 or 1-833-933-2244.

What is Cathay Pacific 24 hours cancellation policy?

If you’ve ever booked a flight with Cathay Pacific. You’ve heard of Cathay Pacific 24 hours cancellation policy. This policy allows passengers to cancel their flight within 24 hours of booking without incurring any fees.
● The 24-hour cancellation policy applies to all Cathay Pacific flights. It includes those booked through a travel agent or online.
● To be eligible for the policy, the flight must be booked at least seven days before the departure date.
● If you cancel within 24 hours of booking, you will receive a full refund of the fare paid.
● If you cancel after the 24-hour period, you may be subject to a cancellation fee.
● The amount of the fee will depend on the fare type and the date of cancellation.
● For example, if you cancel a non-refundable fare within seven days of the departure date,
● You may be charged a cancellation fee of up to 100% of the fare.
● It’s important to note that the 24-hour cancellation policy does not apply to certain fare types. Fares like promotional fares or group fares.
● Additionally, the policy does not apply to flights that have already been checked in or have departed.
● Contact the customer service agent at US Number: OTA: +1-800-971-7347 or 1-833-933-2244

How to cancel and refund at Cathay Pacific Airways flight online?

If you’ve booked a flight with Cathay Pacific Airways and need to cancel or refund it, you’re in luck. The airline offers an easy online process for cancelling and refunding flights. Here’s how to do it:
● Log in to your Cathay Pacific account and Select the “My Bookings” tab.
● Find the flight you want to cancel and click on the “Cancel” button.
● Confirm the cancellation and follow the instructions to complete the process.
● Once the cancellation is complete, you’ll be able to request a refund.
● Select the “Refund” button and follow the instructions to complete the refund process. You’ll receive an email confirming the refund.
● It’s important to note that Cathay Pacific has different refund policies for different types of tickets.
● For example, some tickets may be eligible for a full refund. While others may only be eligible for a partial refund.
● Be sure to contact the customer service assistant. Before you cancel your flight at the country-wise numbers given below:

US Number: OTA: +1-800-971-7347 or 1-833-933-2244.

Bahrain Number: 800 04403

Mainland China Number: 400 888 6628

India Number: 000 800 440 5008

Indonesia Number: 001 803 852 9072 / 007 803 852 9072

Italy Number: 800 971 720

Japan Number: 0120 46 3838

Korea Number: 1644 8003

Netherlands Number: 080 0022 4229

Philippines Number: 180089094024

Saudi Arabia Number: 800 885 2008

Singapore Number:  800 101 4009

South Africa Number: 080 098 1589

Sri Lanka Number: (011) 2423 726

Taiwan China Number: 02 8793 3388

Thailand Number: 02 787 3366

Turkey Number: 008 008 529 2219

United Arab Emirates Number: 8000 8520 2816


By following the guidelines provided in this blog How to cancel and refund at Cathay Pacific Airways Flight? You can make the most of your Cathay Pacific Airways cancellation and refund experience and ensure a stress-free travel experience.
Cathay Pacific cancellation policy

Cathay Pacific cancellation policy


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