Client (Background)
Fundación Gente (, is a group of responsible individuals and organizations (Gente) who believe that together, through education, they can promote a better future for children and youth.
It works in a model that combines the contribution of the Ministry of Education, private organizations, communities, schools and families focused on a Collective Impact Project. Collective Impact is a significant shift from the social sector’s current paradigm of "isolated impact," because the underlying premise of Collective Impact is that no single organization can create large-scale, lasting social change alone. There is no "silver bullet" solution to systemic social problems, and these problems cannot be solved by simply scaling or replicating one organization or program. Strong organizations are necessary but not sufficient for large-scale social change.
Mission Statement
To provide programs and tools to strengthen the public education system through public-private partnerships.
A projects oriented organization
The organization focuses its work in the implementation of projects in key areas or structures in the public educational system -it is in there- where great and systematic changes occur, creating a direct impact in the lives of thousands of students.
Fundación Gente First Project
Fundación Gente first project seeks to transform the educational and administrative boards (educational: schools- administrative: high schools) into agents of change and hope in their schools for the benefit of its students. Nowadays there are more than 4800 boards in Costa Rica, more than 24 000 people donating their work as board members with a direct impact in 900000 students. The project is done through a partnership with the Ministry of Education and with recognized private organizations.
Main Objectives of the Project and Partnership with the MEP (Ministry of Education)
1.     Establish a shared vision and an operating model for the boards.
2.     Establish a program of support and training for the administrative and educational boards.
3.     Promote the boards in a positive and strategic way to achieve social and educative change.
4.     Develop a program of accounting information to ensure the good administration of the board´s funds.
Core Issue
Fundación Gente needs a video to promote its work with the boards.
·      To affirm the engagement of the members of the boards.
·      To inspire people to be part of the boards.
·      To tell the importance of the boards in schools and its impact in communities.
Fundación Gente needs a video to promote, and inform of the importance of its work and first project with different stakeholders. It must inspire to action.
Create a video to share the Fundación Gente´s vision, and first project with a call to action: to inspire people (potential members, donors, volunteers) to be part of the boards as board members, mentors or volunteers, and recognize the great impact that his work on a board can do for the benefit of the education system.
Key Message
Boards have done a key, ad-honorem work in schools and high schools with a direct impact in their students. Their work touches key areas in the lives and learning processes of the students, like: nutrition (they are in charge of school lunchroom), infrastructure (they execute the MEP´s budget assigned to the school), they executive projects for the benefit of the students, teachers and educational programs and they are also responsible to strengthen the bound between schools and communities. We need to strengthen their capacities and role, assure the good use of its funds, enroll inside the boards key people with a strong desire to serve.
Target Audience                                                                     
·      Potential members of boards
·      Potential volunteers
·      Potential sponsors
Fundación Gente Logo
·      Create a video
-       That can be divided into segments in order to use in social media
-       Including the current partners
-       Easy to understand to every person
-       Film and edit a 60-second commercial
·      Examples of how the brand can be used in the real world
It must inspire in meetings with companies and in schools. It should be used in the website and Facebook. We want to show it as an example and how different organizations from the private and public sector can come together, work for a common goal and achieve social change through education
Young Lions Film 2014

Young Lions Film 2014

Young Lions Film


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