Ananya g sin profil

Art Zine: "The Other Perspective"

The purpose of this zine is to provide a voice and platform for the discriminated genders and artists. It is to bring awareness towards issues of gender inequality in India caused by the patriarchal system and ideologies. This zine is designed such that it will be printed in A6 size and distributed in public spaces in order to reach a large audience. It will also be published online since the internet is one of the best platforms to gain a large audience. One of the difficulties would be to represent all classes, for which field research and interviews must be done. A lot of such zines in the past did not work out since they only represented the upper middle class issues in feminism.
I created this zine while envisioning a feminist utopia and the steps to achieve it one day. The main goal is gender equality and getting rid of patriarchal ideals.
This was made in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Art Zine: "The Other Perspective"


Art Zine: "The Other Perspective"
