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Gadgets for Smart Home Remodeling

Many people are adopting smart home technology, a system that allows you to control various devices and appliances via the Internet. According to a 2021 Houzz survey, 19 percent of homeowners who completed a renovation project in 2020 incorporated smart home technology.

The growing popularity of smart home technology can be attributed to convenience, increased productivity, security, and relaxation time. You can install numerous smart home upgrades during a home renovation project to reap these benefits and make your home smarter without breaking the bank.

Smart lights allow you to adjust the lighting in a room to meet a specific mood at any time, enhancing the look and feel of the space. Smart lights can also adapt to user habits, automatically adjusting to your preferences around the house. You can control smart lights remotely or from anywhere in the house by using your smartphone. These lights also serve as security, allowing you to create a schedule that turns lights on and off. Your kitchen can also be upgraded with various gadgets such as smart slow cookers, smart ovens, and smart food thermometers, simplifying the cooking process.

Another relatively inexpensive smart home upgrade is a smart thermostat, which improves energy efficiency and user comfort. You can control these thermostats remotely or with smart devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo. Smart thermostats use machine learning to analyze your schedule and habits and then personalize the temperature and humidity in each room. When no one is home, the smart thermostat lowers the temperature to save energy. According to multiple studies on Nest smart thermostat customers, smart thermostats save an average of 15 percent on cooling and 10 to 12 percent on monthly heating bills.

You can control smart windows and blinds remotely or automatically to help regulate your home's temperature. In the future, smart blinds and windows could transform to solar panels for collecting the sun's energy. Furthermore, you can control smart wall outlets remotely with your smartphone and use them to charge your electric devices, such as tablets and smartphones, with safe and dependable power.

Water heaters are an important fixture in the home, but they typically have a limited lifespan. This makes them ideal for an upgrade during a renovation, especially given the abundance of smart water heaters on the market. Smart water heaters have numerous advantages, such as remotely controlling temperature levels and preventing bacteria build-up through effective temperature regulation. Similarly, smart water heaters provide better energy savings and leak protection.

Smart alarm systems and doorbells can also help to improve your home's security. Smart doorbells use video recording, pattern recognition, and motion detection systems to provide 24-hour security coverage of your front door, which is streamed directly to your smartphone, as well as notification alerts that notify you when someone enters your premises.

Installing numerous appliances and systems that make up smart homes will positively impact your renovation project while improving your overall quality of life. The continued adoption of technology is positioning smart homes as the future of housing. Already, contractors are leveraging technology to design modern homes that offer users comfort and security while keeping them connected to the world.

Gadgets for Smart Home Remodeling

Gadgets for Smart Home Remodeling

