Profil appartenant à Francesca Colombara

Lucid Dream - Concept Art

Lila is a lemon and Rob is a frog. 
They are best friends and have been dating for seven years.
Lila runs an improvisational company, quite pathetic, that performs around the city. Lila writes the jokes, but the comedian group is not very popular.
Lila's life goes on between social anxiety disorders and the urge to be successful.
Lila and Rob have a really good connection, they have fun and they feel their relationship is a comfortable space where to escape from everyday hassles.

Lila has always been suffering from a mild case of narcolepsy.
Suddenly Rob dies, in an unexpected way. From then on, whenever Lila falls asleep, she will end up in a lucid dream.
Lila in her dream will be transported into a medieval world that is full of monsters and other narcoleptic lemons.
Lila will be falling asleep in the weirdest places at the less appropriate times and will always go back to that strange lucid dream. Into that fantasy, Lila will be able to take over
events and go on a wild and amazing journey.
Rob is hidden somewhere in the dark of her mind and she trusts that she will be able to bring him back.
Lila believes she has now developed a superpower, some kind of magical thought that can take Rob back to her.
Concept for a short film - Lucid Dream 

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Lucid Dream - Concept Art
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Lucid Dream - Concept Art

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