Greta Sebalds profil

Greta Sebald Creative, Inc. Portfolio

Welcome to Greta Sebald Creative, Inc.
A portfolio
I create logos for companies, non-profit organizations, programs, events and products.
I designed The Sheltering Arms Foundation's annual report to reflect a whimsical yet professional style.
For Distinction Composite Roofing, I was brought in for the creation of the product name, logo and branding. I then developed many promotional items, including brochures, doorhangers, manuals, direct mail, ads, signage and sample name a few. In addition to the design, I was instrumental in the photography shoots, photo manipulation, tagline development and copywriting.
I've worked with Trimline since 1999 to provide design services, develop copy and implement my creativity for every imaginable type of printed material, signage, promotion, website, trade show and display. This is a 36-page catalog featuring all of Trimline's products and installation instructions; I developed the design and layout, created graphics and illustrations, manipulated the photos, provided copy and editing, and managed the entire printing process.
For every MakeMusic project (labels, product covers, direct mail, brochures, manuals), they provide all of the text and photos, and then I design the pieces according to their branding guidelines or upgrade an existing piece to meet their current style requirements.
I have put together newsletters for a variety of clients over the years, many taking a magazine format. In most cases, the client provides the text and photos, leaving the design to my discretion.
I often work with small or just-starting businesses that need my complete services, including design, marketing and copy writing. Cstraps is an example of new business that came to me for branding and the design of their packaging, web site and supporting materials. I created an original illustration of the cover lady and owner caricatures which serve as the cornerstone of their branding. 
Being able to capitalize on my ability to provide creative, marketing, copy writing and design services, I am able to effectively develop promotional campaigns. Knowing the goals of the promotion and client, I develop the campaign from the initial concept to the recommendation of supporting materials to the display development to the photo shoot to the final press check. Below are some of the campaigns developed for Trimline.
As a real estate agent, Pat Roughan wanted a fun, creative way to keep a presence with potential clients. For this extensive line of postcards, I developed the concepts, original illustrations, copy and layouts.
Greta Sebald Creative, Inc. Portfolio

Greta Sebald Creative, Inc. Portfolio

This portfolio demonstrates a variety of work I've done over the years for large and small, for-and non-profit organizations. I've utilized my sk Læs mere
