Raffaella Bravi's profileSilvia Turazza's profile


Elude is a magazine that that focuses on the theme of escaping from reality through various means, it talks about the diverse ways in which people seek to break away from their daily routines and embrace experiences that defy the ordinary. We worked diligently on both the content creation and the graphic design/layout of the magazine, aiming to convey the sense of escapism through the design itself.
At the core of 'Elude' are a series of interviews with individuals who are in some way connected to the theme of escaping from reality. The interviews have featured a variety of individuals,including adventurous travelers, creative street artists, DJs who mix music to transport people to another dimension, photographers who capture moments of escape, and many other figures who have embraced jobs or activities tied to this concept.
In addition to the magazine, we also developed an online presence through an Instagram page dedicated to the project. This allowed us to share related content, engage a broader audience, and create a space for discussion for those seeking creative ways to break away from their daily lives. To complete the 'Elude' experience, we also created merchandise, offering our readers the opportunity to take home a tangible piece of the project.