Henkilön Chan LS profiili

Reproductive Justice For All

One word which could cause hundreds of opinions to emerge
We can't erase them, but we can try to make them understand

This is my attempt on THE CASE FOR HER and HEY JANE campaign brief:
Abortion Equals Healthcare

For DnAD New Blood Awards 2023
As I live in Indonesia and aim to make locals understand, I have made the language to be in Indonesian - with illustrations which are expressive and clear to catch attention and the point.
Website. Illustrated using Adobe Illustrator. 5 Pages in total. Homepage, About Us, Our Campaign, Support Us.
Instagram Profile Preview and Brochure Mockup.

I have designed each feed posts, including the carousel posts
I have uploaded them, feel free to give them a look in my profile!
Reproductive Justice For All

Reproductive Justice For All
