Профиль Pooja Patel

Logo & Promotional Materials: Empty Bowls Event

Logo & Promotional Materials
Empty Bowls Event
My contribution
I was responsible for creating marketing materials for our brand. We use door hangers and stickers for promoting the event. These ideas were cheaper and effective.
Final Logos
Primary Logos
My group decided to use my logo ideas as a final logo for our brand. My logo is simple yet conveys a message. Viewers can easily determine from the logo that the event consists of soup servings. I was able to maintain legibility throughout all variations of the logo. We used earthy tones and typography to reflect the handcrafted bowls created for this event.
Horizontal Logos
Logo ideas
Group Work
Event Posters
For this project we were assigned to work in groups to create a suite of materials to promote the work done for a collaborative event held here on campus, Empty Bowls. Empty Bowls is a one day event where the ceramics department partnering with the HCAT or a community partner, runs a soup fundraiser. This is to raise money for people in need in Anne Arundel County. 

We created our own vector images of people to showcase the diverse population of attendees that could attend the Empty Bowls event from the school and community. To maintain cohesiveness with the posters we added a photo of bowls from a previous Empty Bowls event at Anne Arundel Community College. We used gradients to create visual interest and contrast in the design.

Group Members: Danyelle Kess, Frank Turek and Pooja Patel (me)
Event Marketing Materials
Social Media Promotion
Throughout our brand items we tried to remain consistent with the poster design by keeping the same element design with slight variations in the brand color, text, and vector images.
Logo & Promotional Materials: Empty Bowls Event

Logo & Promotional Materials: Empty Bowls Event
