Perfil de Franca Studio

Sociedad Artística Del Tecnológico

Sociedad Artística Del Tecnológico

The fantasy of a ballet, the theatrical of a sonata, the drama of a play… The magic of becoming immersed in another world for a couple of hours. The fascination of the performing arts. 

Performing arts fuel our emotions, unite society and transform not just the interpreter but also the scenic space, the spectator, and even the time. That’s how society lights up: through art. 

And SAT (Sociedad Artística del Tecnológico in Spanish), an art platform from Tecnológico de Monterrey University, that illuminates, a stage that radiates emotions, expressions, movements, and vibrations. A platform that brings together the performing arts with one aim: to keep them alive.

We created the SAT logo as a meeting point, like a Greek theater. From above, it’s the inside of a cultural venue where the arts live and shine. At the same time, the logo is formed by three axes in convergence: the movement of dance, the vibrations of music, and the light of theater.

Also, the logo creates a Doppler effect, a ripple full of emotions, expressions, and connections between artist-art-audience. And just like the performing arts, it illuminates. It’s not only a stage where artists express themselves and bond with the public, but a symbol filled with light. 

SAT, where the culture stays radiant, intense. Full of life.


Mexico City                                                                                                                           
Sociedad Artística Del Tecnológico
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Sociedad Artística Del Tecnológico

The fantasy of a ballet, the theatrical of a sonata, the drama of a play… The magic of becoming immersed in another world for a couple of hours. Ver mais

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