This bottle design concept is based on the 4 elements of fire, earth, wind, and water. Following this idea, I have deiced to relate the brand to the Greek goddess ‘Hecate’ who is known for being the goddess of elements and the underworld, making her one of the most powerful goddesses. The colors on the bottle are dark gradients that gradually show the representative colors for each element. The reason the gradients gradually go from dark to bright, is to reflect power and relate it back to how Hecate plays a role in controlling the underworld. As for the figures on the box, and how they are placed, I wanted to reflect that the perfume is a brand for women empowerment, thus adding female figures facing opposite directions to show that femininity and power can coexist and are not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, the triangles that are placed on the bottle behind the women figures, are the symbols of the 4 elements.
HECATE perfumes

HECATE perfumes
