For the first alteration I made myself look old. I did this by using the liquify tool to make certain parts of my skin look saggy and then I added in the wrinkles by changing the blend mode to overlay and then warping it to fit my face. I also changed the coloring of my skin tone to make it seem older and I made my teeth yellower. Next I changed my hair to a gray and I added in strands to make it more realistic.
The next alteration I created I changed almost every aspect of my face. I changed my skin tone by making it darker by using a soft brush with low opacity and then I made it blurry and smudged to look smooth. Next I selected my hair and then I used the hue and saturation to change the color of my hair. Then I added makeup by selecting the section and changing the color and opacity and using a soft brush to make the edges soft. Next changed the color of my eyes selecting a part of it and changing the color. Then I made my teeth whiter and added blush.


I used photoshop to make myself look older and different and change different parts of my face.
