These are the photos that I recreated. The reflection, the inspiration pictures, and the proof picture are in the document I attached.

The overall experience at MOPA was absolutely breathtaking. I do not recall ever going, so it was an incredible experience. I enjoyed the layout of the museum, as it was very spacious and engaging. What I enjoyed most from the museum was the artwork of Klaudia Chwasteks’ titled, “Main Rilway Station in Czestochowa”. This artwork presents the sun setting on the main railway station in Poland. This piece was very eye-catching, as my eyes were fixed onto this piece for a while. What is interesting about this certain photograph is the fact that it is chaotic, but also, very calming. There is a lot going on, but the fact that this piece of Klaudias’ presents an emotion of calmness is what is attention grabbing for me. I absolutely adore how this piece is moody, aesthetic, as well as romantic. The color of the sunset gives a sense of warmness to the viewers, as well as presents an ambient environment. Due to my love for sunrises and sunsets, once I laid my eyes on this piece at the museum in Balboa Park, I immediately fell in love with it. Additionally, I happened to come across a big screen that showcased people’s self-reflections in the museum, and I thought this part of the museum was very engaging and intriguing as well. It turned my self-reflection into tons of tiny pixels, and although one could tell that it was themselves being reflected onto the screens, it was also a bit difficult to fully navigate, as not every element of yourself was being reflected. The pictures shown below are the images that inspired me to recreate those specific pieces, along with the evidence that I visited the MOPA. As the overall theme was flowers, I decided to take pictures of flowers and leaves, and recreate them to give off a similar vibe as to the ones showcased at MOPA. In addition to the flower pictures, I also decided to recreate Raphael Neal’s photograph of the sky.



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