Best Imagined Band Site Ever!
Website link: 
Website mockup:
What this design is all about:
This was a really fun website to create. I took a randomly generated Wikipedia name and randomly generated Wikimedia images to create an imaginary band. My random name was Massively multiplayer online game, which I shortened to MMOG. Right away I knew I would conjure up the most epic punk band possible. I chose four of my favorite bands and blended them together for the fictional MMOG.

Using Visual Studio Code I built pages that would ultimately come together as my band website. Starting in a responsive dimension of 320px I added code to six different pages making sure my site would be functional at varying screen displays. 

I was able to add images and videos to my site, as well as a functional contact form.

Images of the website design:
Images of some of the code used to build the website:
Navigation of website: 
Best Band Site Ever!
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Best Band Site Ever!

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