Profil appartenant à Andrei Vyktor Georgescu

Agape Hallucination Research Facility

Agape Hallucination Research Facility
This illustration features an imagined building which affects cameras like radiation, but instead of corrupting the image, it has the opposite effect—it generates (or hallucinates) highly detailed worlds within worlds. 

Technical details:
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1152932758, Size: 11520x6432, Model hash: 635152a69d, Model: ayonimix_V6VAEBaked, Denoising strength: 0.55, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: 4x_UniversalUpscalerV2-Sharper_103000_G, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 6, Tiled Diffusion: "{'Method': 'Mixture of Diffusers', 'Latent tile width': 96, 'Latent tile height': 48, 'Overlap': 92, 'Tile batch size': 1, 'Upscaler': '4x_UniversalUpscalerV2-Sharper_103000_G', 'Scale factor': 6, 'Keep input size': True}"
Click here to download the full 11,520 x 6,432 image. 
And now, for the normal render:
Agape Hallucination Research Facility
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Agape Hallucination Research Facility

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