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The Espresso Extraction with the Breville BES920XL

The Breville BES920XL is a top-of-the-line espresso machine, known for its precision and ability to create barista-quality espresso at home. One of the key aspects of making great espresso is understanding and mastering the extraction process.

Grind Size: The Foundation of Great Espresso
The first step to a perfect espresso extraction is selecting the right grind size for your coffee beans. The BES920XL has a built-in conical burr grinder that allows for precise grind adjustments.

Aim for a fine grind, similar in texture to table salt or granulated sugar. This will ensure that water flows through the coffee grounds at the right speed, extracting the full flavor of the beans.

Tamping Pressure: Consistency is Key
After grinding your coffee beans, the next step is to evenly distribute the grounds in the portafilter and apply the right amount of pressure when tamping.

The Breville BES920XL comes with a 58mm stainless steel portafilter, which provides the ideal surface area for consistent espresso extraction.

Aim to apply about 30 pounds of pressure when tamping. Consistent tamping pressure will help prevent uneven extraction and channeling, where water bypasses coffee grounds and leads to a weak or sour shot.

Extraction Time: The Sweet Spot
The Breville BES920XL features precise extraction time control, allowing you to fine-tune your espresso shot to perfection.

A well-balanced espresso extraction should take between 25 to 30 seconds.

During this time, the machine's pump will force hot water through the coffee grounds, extracting the desired flavors and oils. If your extraction is too fast, your espresso may taste under-extracted and sour; too slow, and it may taste over-extracted and bitter.

Experiment with different extraction times to find the sweet spot that produces a balanced, rich shot of espresso.

Final Thought
The Breville BES920XL's dual boiler system is designed to deliver consistent temperature and pressure throughout the extraction process.

This ensures optimal flavor extraction and makes it easier to pull consistently great shots. The dual boiler system also allows for simultaneous espresso extraction and milk steaming, making it easy to create café-quality cappuccinos and lattes at home.

A Summary
Mastering espresso extraction with the Breville BES920XL is an art that requires attention to detail and practice.

By focusing on the key factors of grind size, tamping pressure, and extraction time, you'll be well on your way to creating barista-quality espresso in the comfort of your own home. Experiment with different beans, grind settings, and extraction times to find the perfect balance of flavors for your taste.

The Espresso Extraction with the Breville BES920XL

The Espresso Extraction with the Breville BES920XL


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