If superstitions exist in the real world, made up of people, of thinking beings, why shouldn’t they exist in the Metaverse if what makes it up are the very same?

Why do people believe in superstitions?
Human beings must and need to justify whatever, bad or good, happens to them;
Man per se tends to believe in something–whether it’s a religion, whether it’s fate, whether it’s superstitions.
Without faith, there comes
less certainty and we are destined to grope in the dark, with no path or path to help us out of suffering.
For some individuals
superstitious behavior creates a sense of control and reduces anxiety, which is why
superstition levels increase in times of distress and stress.

Superstitions could also exist in the Metaverse, as they are an inherent part of human nature.
The “new world” was created by human beings and is composed of other human beings.
The Metaverse is a hitherto unknown “parallel universe” and now a concept that has become remarkably trendy. In recent years, technological evolution has created increasingly strong connections between the virtual, physical and other worlds.
Various devices allow us to manage more and more areas of daily life and make services easily accessible that until recently were available only by interacting in person.

I have tried to imagine what the downside might be of this development of technology going so far as to think that we could probably reach such a level
of involvement in the new world that we could no longer separate it from concrete reality.
Precisely for this purpose, to try to curb the complete “estrangement” of man from his real life, I thought of introducing what is most human related to common sense and far from scientific laws there is: superstitions.
Users can choose not to follow superstitions and base their decisions on their personal experience and knowledge of the virtual world.

The new superstitions
Do not meet the number 38,
do not enter the Metaverse on Friday,
don’t hold an event on Monday;
don’t invest in the month of February,
don’t paint the walls of your apartment green; never attract the attention of a purple robodog;
do not enter the Metaverse before 10 a.m.;
take 7 steps before entering an NFT museum; never wear the color yellow…

never to wear the color yellow
The color Yellow, in the common sense represents happiness, hope, positivity, energy and optimism.
Yet for some it also has negative meanings: often, it is linked to the feeling of jealousy, cowardice and deception.
This color, therefore, can take on various meanings and in our case that is, if you wear a Yellow shirt in the Metaverse, it will produce a sense of isolation, fear, insecurity and low self-esteem. So much so that the consequence to this action, will be frogs that could pop up anywhere, in this situation in a cup of coffe.

don't attract the attention of a purple robodog
The color Purple, in the common sense represents mystery, penance, secrecy, melancholy, death, fear, frustration, dreaming and magic.
Thus, folk tradition has always linked the violet to mystery, the transcendent, spirituality and magic.
don't meet number 38
The Neapolitan smorfia associates the number 38 with the figure of beatings, whether little or many.
This term generally refers to violent beatings used to frighten or otherwise upset a subject, either physically or psychologically.
It is, however, also the number of forgetfulness, those done out of distraction and never out of bad faith. Unpaid bills, forgotten dates, late appointments are just some of the events that are connected to this number. Broadening the view, all distractions are associated with the number 38, thus including carelessness in daily actions.

non è vero, ma ci credo
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non è vero, ma ci credo

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