Maria Victoria Collazoss profil

Nottingham Light Night Project

Nottingham Light Night Project 2013
BRIEF: To design and create a light and projection installation for the front the Newton Building (Nottigham Trent University) as part of the Nottingham Light celebrations on Friday 8th February 2013. The installation should reflect and interpret, in a celebratory way, the rich and diverse work of Sir Isaac Newton and emphasis links with the site.  
It was a collaborative project as part of the MA DFTE and we came up with the idea of reflecting a video onto a sun like shape. The video had the different colors of the spectrum and bounce the light beam with the help of a cristal prism. All the structures were designed for the space we were given and made from scratch.
Nottingham Light Night Project

Nottingham Light Night Project

To design and create a light and projection installation for the front the Newton Building.
